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Confesión de Fe de Westminster | Westminster Confession of Faith
Product Description
Y catecismo menor | And Shorter Catechism
El 12 de junio de 1643 el Parlamento inglés acordó "convocar una assemblea de teólogos y laicos para consultarla acerca de la forma de asentar las bases del gobierno y la litergia de la Iglesia de Inglaterra, y para purificar la doctrina de errores y falsas interpretaciones". La convocatoria incluyó a personajes de diversas tendencias eclesiológicas (episcopales, presbiterianos, independientes y erastianos), si bien la composición final de la asemblea fue mayoritariamente presbiteriana.
The Westminster Confession of Faith is the greatest of all the creeds of the Christian Church. Since its first publication in 1646 it has remained absolutely unsurpassed as an accurate and concise statement of Christian doctrine. Among all the shifting sands of theological opinion here is solid truth, for it has its foundation in the unchanging truth of Scripture- witness the copious references from the Bible which are printed on each page. Because of its faithfulness to Scripture the Confession has permanent worth and abiding relevance.